
Programmering hulpbronne


Oulike skakels

Heelwat IT-verwante inligting en praktiese hulp met Word, Excel en Access - het selfs speletjies en videohulpmiddels.

Wonderlike webwerf oor wetenskap en tegnologie

PC Magazine
Jongste nuus oor rekenaars en tegnologie

CNN Technology
Jongste tegnologienuus

Sien die departementele riglyne (inligting oor die onderwerp en hoe dit geassesseer word):
ITPAT2008.pdf (PAT document in English)
PATITAFR2008.pdf (PAT-dokument in Afrikaans)

Sien ook ons PAT-bladsy vir meer idees en inligting.

Wat moet jy weet van Delphi?

Graad 10

Algemeen / Inleiding tot programmeringsomgewing
Event Handlers
Events such as OnClick, OnClose,
OnShow, OnMouseMove
Components: Edit, Checkbox, Radio Group, Label, Panel, Listbox, RichEdit, Memo, BitButton
Form class

Datatipes en veranderlikes
Integer, Real, Character
String, Boolean
Scope of variables

Toevoer en afvoer
Input and output components and
properties: Edit, Checkbox, Radio Group, Label, Panel, Listbox, RichEdit and Memo
Formatting output in RichEdit using tabs and new line / return characters

Operators en verwerkings
Mathematical: +, -, *, /, Div, mod
Relational: <, >, =, <>, <=, >=
Boolean: AND, OR, NOT
Precedence and brackets
Simple string manipulation: Length, Pos, Concat (+), Uppercase, Copy, Delete, Insert, Val

Includes data type conversion such as IntToStr, StrToInt, StrToFloat, StrToIntDef, FloatToString, FloatToStrF, to be able to do mathematical and string manipulations

- Single selection IF … then
- Double selection IF … then … else
- Multiple selection Case
- Counting For … do
- Conditional While … do
- Repeat … until

Klasses en objekte
Form Class

Metodes (funksies and prosedures)
Mathematical such as sqr, sqrt, round, trunc, abs, random, power, min, max, frac, int, odd, dec, inc, etc .
- Simple user defined functions and procedures using parameter passing e.g.
CalcInterest(12) if 12% interest should be added, GetMonthName(6) to determine the name of month number 6. (not reference parameters)
Call functions and procedures

IDE – Delphi

Defensiewe programmering
Meaningful error messages to user e.g. message dialogue boxes
Error checking techniques
- Check that data has been entered / compulsory fields
- Check that the right type of data has been entered e.g. Real or Integer using VAL-procedure
- Check that data is valid (falls between a certain range)
- Use the MaskEdit to ensure valid data (for use in projects only)

Algoritmes / probleemoplossing en fundamentele programmeringskonsepte
Swop two values
Determine smallest, largest value of more than two values
Isolate digits in an integer value
Determine whether a number is a prime number, even, odd number
Determine whether a number is a factor of another number

Graad 11

Database with two tables
1 D arrays
Classes and Objects

Selection (nested)
Repetition (nested)
- Conditional While … do
- Repeat … until
Including sentinel value (flag)

1-D Skikkings
- Declare
- Basic I/O manipulation
- Simple sort using a method in a class
- Sequential search (including use of sentinel value) using a method in a class
- Simple calculations such as calculating average, sum

Databasis en programmering
• Setup ADO connection
• Use tables in database and manipulate records and fields through Delphi code using SQL statements
• Find a specific record in a table using Locate

Klasse en objekte
• Creation of classes and class design
• Coding methods (including constructors, get/set, toString) to perform calculations or manipulate the attributes of an object.

Delphi IDE
Events and event handlers
Components as specified in Grade 10 as well as PageControl with pages, DBGrid

Defensiewe programmering
Data validation, e.g. checking for presence, range, uniqueness, length, type and check-digit.
Return meaningful error messages

Sting manipulation: All methods used in Grade 10 as well as Insert, Delete

Algoritmes / probleemoplossing
Data validation

Graad 12

Text files
Arrays – 2D
Classes and Objects
Database – at least 2 tables
Array of objects (1 D)

Databasis en programmering
• Setup ADO connection
• Use tables in database and manipulate records and fields through Delphi code using SQL statements

Klasse en objekte
• Create arrays of objects
• Create classes using inheritance (for implementation in 2009)
• Create arrays of objects of parent and inherited classes (for implementation in 2009)

GUI (GGK) Gebeurtenisse en gebeurtenishanteerders
Delphi IDE
Events and event handlers
OnExit events to be used with error control

Text files:
• AssignFile
• Reset / Rewrite
• Readln / Write / Writeln
• CloseFile
• While not Eof
• Import data from text file
• Export data to text file
String manipulation
2D arrays
• Simple processing e.g. row and column totals
Array of object manipulation

Algoritmes en probleemoplossing
Data validation and defensive programming using components, programming techniques specified in Grades 10 and 11 as well as code in OnExit events.
Design own algorithms to solve problems

(Geneem van LPG Document, Jan. 2008)

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© JAK Olivier (2008)

Webwerf: http://www.jako.nom.za/
E-pos: olivier@teachitza.com